December 6

Featured in Issue 5 at Raw Lit , this poem is very near and dear to my heart.


This poem was chosen for publication in Wingless Dreamer’s poetry anthology, Wild Heart - a collection featuring poetry from around the globe that illuminates the magic and mystery of nature’s simplicity.

We Were All Mom’s Favorite

A first person narrative recounting the final days we shared with my beloved mother. Published by Fauxmoir Literary Magazine.

For Rose Clare

I was thrilled to have my poem, For Rose Clare, picked up by Sad Girl’s Club Literary Blog.


To tell a complete story in just 300 words is no easy feat, but a challenge I happily accepted. My efforts were rewarded with a third place finish in Shady Grove Literary’s flash fiction competition.

Silent Partners

My short story, Silent Partners, received the honor of second place in WOW! Women on Writing’s quarterly flash fiction contest.